Hey, and, did you know, that if you attend an AUGI CAD Camp, you'll be eligible for a $150 discount on your Autodesk University registration?
And if you don't know what AU is... well, you're missing out. It's the 14th annual training mecca put on by Autodesk with 500 classes taught by industry gurus.
If you belong to an AUGI local user group, be sure to name them during your AU registration.
And, if you belong to a LUG, make sure your contact information is up to date and your spam filters allow your LUG President's important email announcements through so you don't miss any valuable information about upcoming training and special offers.
Okay, if that's not enough of a hint, nearly 20% of my members' emails have bounced on this message, come on people, work with me here. If you belong to the Gateway AUG and did NOT get an email from me, please send me a message so I can fill you in. Thanks!
Oh, and if you'd like to know what you can expect from classes at autodesk university, please check out the Autodesk University Course Handout Archives hosted on AUGI.com (free registration to become a member and access all this and more!). You can find courses from 2000-2004, and, if you're still using older versions of AutoCAD, these may be just what you need.
Hope to see you at CAD Camp and AU!
To the St. Louisans, the next meeting of the Gateway AUG, showcasing some great Tips and Tricks, is planned for Tuesday October the 3rd at Vatterott College in Sunset Hills. We'll bring the food and the AutoCAD tips, all you have to bring is yourself... well, we'll let you bring a friend if you want to, as well. ;) We might have some nice give-aways, too.