The information gathered will be printed in the January/February issue of the free bi-monthly
*The point of this post is to solicit more respondents for our survey.* We need user input to provide the results of this survey!
To find out more, please read the FAQ in the area, here are some highlights:
Is the survey anonymous?
--YES, it is totally anonymous... But, yes, you are required to login with your free augi member account in order to participate in and read the results of the survey. The login is mandatory so that we can be sure no one is skewing the results of the survey by taking it multiple times.
--But, NO, there is no way for ME, the Salary Survey Manager, to link any single line of data in my spreadsheet to an individual user
What is the purpose of the survey?
--To reveal average salaries for many job titles
--To indicate which fields pay the most
--To indicate which disciplines have the greatest levels of job security and job satisfaction
--To show how certain things affect pay (world region, level of experience, education received, gender, etc)
--To gauge the health of the building/design market
Is it a query-able survey like
--No. You have to pick all categories applicable to you and average them out yourself. Sorry.
PLEASE, take 5 minutes out of your day and participate. We've got 6 more days left (survey ends October 31st), and we're still about 1,800 responses fewer than last year. I know this issue of
Fellow bloggers and networkers of any ilk, I'd really appreciate it if you could remind your buds about this chance to contribute!
To see past survey results (magazine spread, as well as additional results posted to the site):
2006 -
2005 -
(must be logged in to access the archives - don't forget to read the FAQ, it also contains a list of the questions asked)
Thank you to those who have and will participate, we're all volunteers trying to provide resources to one another, and you guys are the ones who really make this possible.
Melanie Perry
Volunteer AUGI Salary Survey Manager
Volunteer AUGI AutoCAD Community Chair
Volunteer GatewayAUG President
Freelance Writer/Editor/Proofreader
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