The Gateway Autodesk User's Group is meeting tonight at the Masonry Institute on Big Bend. From 6-7:30.
Local BIM guru and educational advocate Tomislav Zigo will be presenting on Interoperability and Building Performance tools.
We'll be giving away a pass to Autodesk University (must be 21 and over, and able to cover own transportation costs), among other prizes.
What else: If you are a GAUG member and if you are present at the meeting, you might win a pass to Autodesk University 2008. ($ 1,845 value).
You can RSVP here to make yourself eligible for this AU draw by joining GAUG!!!!
As always, there will be food and drink, thanks to sponsor, Seiler Instrument.
There's also a new reseller in town, and I believe they'll have at least one rep in attendance if you'd like to meet them.
As an aside, world-renowned CADD Manager, Mark Kiker (current President of AUGI) has just started a BIM Manager's group. If you want to share your opinions and gather feedback from other's, pop over and sign up.
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