Well, if you're a subscriber you've probably noticed that my posting rate has gone down a bit here on my blog lately. I've got three or four posts in the queue and just can't seem to find the time to sit down and flesh them out properly.
In addition to the little bundle of joy and his precocious older brother, I have been taking more classes to complete my Bachelor's Degree.
I finished an Associate's Degree back in 2002, but, devoted the next couple of years to financing quality childcare for number one son. ;)
I mentioned last year that I had the opportunity to return to college through a program at work, and I've been very grateful for the opportunity. I have, however, increased my course load. It would take forever to finish if I stayed with taking only one course at a time.
As it stands now, I should finish by the fall of 2011.
I only recently declared my major officially. Organizational Leadership and Technology.
I believe it's sort of a new program in St. Louis University's School for Professional Studies.
Originally, I assumed I'd complete a Mechanical Engineering degree (a second Associate's I'd started years ago when still working on my Drafting Technology degree), but, an education in Management and Computer Science will be sure to prepare me for some very interesting projects, so I'm somewhat happy that it's an option.
So, currently being swamped with homework has hampered my creative writing ability for a bit. When I do get some time off between classes, I'll polish up what I've got (hang in there for me).
You will, of course, be hearing more about the Salary Survey soon as I work on that.
I do have to give major thanks and appreciation to Mike in all of this. He's been really supportive of my desire to complete my education and has picked up my slack around the house (yes, he's actually been cooking, I know!). Seriously, it takes a lot of time and effort to keep a household running smoothly, as well as keeping two growing boys happy, so he's really gone above and beyond.
If you don't have the time or finances (try filling out a FAFSA next fall, who knows what you might be eligible for?), but, still want to educate yourself a bit, try searching for some Open CourseWare. MIT and Yale are two big ones who've been publishing lectures, videos and course materials for the public to enjoy, I'm sure other colleges and universities have some great classes too. And, for those unemployed CAD folks out there, don't forget about the Autodesk Assistance Program if you want to make the most of your time off by making yourself more marketable.
Friday, 12 June 2009
OT: School Update
Posted on 12:06 by Unknown
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