What? What in the world is a LUG?
For the uninitiated, LUG is an acronymn for Local Users Group.
AUGI (the autodesk users group international) has LUG's all over the world, although I'm sure they're not the only ones. We have a Microstation Users Group in the st. louis area as well.
CAD users come together at meetings to exchange tips, and try to gain benefits as a group (such as free/discounted software from vendors), as well as to network, and some provide newsletters with tips and industry articles
Sooo, where should you be looking for LUGs?
The Local Users Group forum on AUGI.com of course!!! I started a thread for users to find one another so that they can connect and form their own LUG, as I was lucky enough to do.
Don't know if there is already a LUG near you or not?
Search the LUG-finder.
There are users looking to connect in the following cities!
I'm in Winona, MN.
I would be willing to travel 30 miles or so, that includes LaCrosse, Wisconsin and Rochester, Minnesota.
We are in Roanoke, VA (Southwest Virginia) and have had a lot of talk recently by people in Roanoke, Lynchburg, Charlottesville for a LUG
I would be interested in one in the Washington DC/Baltimore Area
I am in the Brenham Texas area.I would consider driving to College Station.
Kansas City, Missouri area
Western New York - Buffalo, Tonawanda area
Las Vegas, Nevada... Seeking others to form a LUG, hopefully with Land Development
Goshen or Elkhart area Indiana. found an inventors UG in ft. wayne. i am looking for Revit users.
Tallahassee, Florida
Montreal, Canada
I am currently working on setting one up. I will need some help!
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. Perhaps even one for the entire Province.
Albany, New York area for AutoCAD users would be appreciated - I believe the closest one is in Rochester, and that's too far for me.
East Texas area (Tyler). Closest one is in Dallas which is about 120 miles away, but with the diversification of the software I am finding it hard to find enough users that would be interested. I will put in the time if there is interest.
Northern Colorado Revit LUG
Any Connecticut LUGS? New Haven County? Fairfield County, or Hartford? New London area would be a bit far, but I would still attend when possible...Or also Westchester County New York State, along the 684, 84 corridor, or Western Massachussetts...
North Charleston, SC
Omaha or Lincoln, Nebraska
i am starting a LUG in the East Valley of The SunScottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler Arizona
cebu philippines
Detroit Michigan (just plain autocad?)
Houma, Louisiana
southwest part of Kansas in the Garden City area
Dallas, Texas, area
Boise Idaho
Tucson Arizona - there is a lug in my area but is is for ADT and architects, where as I use LDD and LT. I also work for civil and electrical.
Wellington, New Zealand......or more specifically Lower Hutt
We are starting a LUG in the York, PA area
south of Atlanta, I live in Lovejoy, Ga
Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada that use Revit
Columbus, Ohio
ANYWHERE in Wyoming
within driving distance from memphis, tenn
Tallahassee, Florida and would be interested in a LUG for the Capitol area
Hutchinson Kansas area
***Interested in BIM or Architectural LUG (ADT and or Revit) in Southern Oregon...possibly to serve Redding and north Cal as well
southfield or livonia michigan area
St. George, Utah. I would like a LDT LUG
That being said, the Autodesk and Revit Users Groups of St. Louis/Metro area will be meeting tonight. Food and drink will be provided, and we'll have presenters from Autodesk.
Tuesday, 12 July 2005
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